Prayer Requests: 2 Multisite Launches
Months and sometimes years of discerning God’s call. Assessing those who will do the ministry and their readiness to plant. Planning each detail. Building a core team. Deeping a spiritual community that will become the heartbeat of the new church plant. All of these efforts lead to a point where a new church plant begins a public worship gathering, where the spiritual community can come together in worship of Jesus. Two of our Kingdom-advancing environments are taking this step this fall and I would ask you to pray for them.
The Seed began as a dream for a space where people would experience Jesus through a coffeeshop atmosphere in Centerville, SD. That dream has grown as the core group have people have thrived and they will begin holding weekly Sunday morning services on October 3rd. The Seed Community Church is being launched as a multi-site out of Hillside Community Church in Vermillion. Please pray for the Robbie Severson, pastor of Hillside as he oversees this effort, as well as for the Hillside Elder Board and the core team at The Seed. Pray that this new rhythm of weekly public worship would draw more people to Jesus and into authentic Christian community.
RiverLife Church in St. Paul launched almost 7 years ago and now they are preparing to open their second campus in Brooklyn Park. Pastor Kong and Pang Moua are overseeing the campus and the ministries that will happen there. God has been using RiverLife to bring hope, healing and growth to 2nd and 3rd gen Hmong in St. Paul and we are all excited to see how God is going to use RiverLife to reach the Hmong people in the northwest metro. This multiplication by RiverLife was part of the original church plant plan by Pastor Greg and Pang Foua Rhodes and their hard work, dedication, and commitment to follow Jesus’ call is to be commended. RiverLife Brooklyn Park is launching on Saturday nights beginning September 11th.
Please pray fervently for these launches. Pray that invites would be joyfully received and that the core of people attending the sites will increase. Pray for all of the workers at both of these churches, that God would encourage them and give them all the strength that they need to do what God is calling them to. Pray for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit would work in and through them to accomplish everything God wants to do at The Seed Community Church and RiverLife Brooklyn Park.
Kyle Magstadt
Associate Superintendent for
Church Multiplication