Around the District: August 2022
NEXT Ministry Conference is an affordable one-day training for youth and children’s workers, their lead teams, volunteers, and key high school students.
The LAB is a place where we experiment with both new and old ideas that will lead us toward fresh discoveries and applications. The LAB is a place where we leverage the power of collaboration by acknowledging what we don’t know and embracing the challenge of learning together. The LAB is a place for people who want to grow deeper in their discipleship of Jesus and who want their lives and ministries to be marked by the development of deep disciples.
All lay delegates to General Council must be submitted by March 29, 2025.
The Alliance family will again be joining our hearts and hands together—on our knees—for a 40 Days of Prayer focus that will begin January 5, 2025. Each day will offer a thematic devotional reflection and prayer points authored by an Alliance leader or family member.
Check out Big Sandy Camp’s Avalanche Camps for kids and students this winter!
Converge empowers all Alliance people to mobilize their church in missions and join God in what He is doing in neighborhoods and the nations.
Alliance Peacemaking’s mission is to change the culture of the Alliance family so we resolve conflict in a God-honoring way.
Refresh is an annual gathering for Alliance youth workers, paid and volunteer, to encourage one another, share best practices, create friendships, and be refreshed through soul care.
We are very excited to see how God uses this retreat to focus our lives on the things that matter for the glory of God.
Join us for a Ministry Leaders' Summit for all our church and ministry workers and their spouses.
We are excited to invite you to join your Alliance family for Council in Columbus, OH, from May 26-30, 2025. Room rates range from $120 to $130 per night and the cost of registration will be $189 per person for pre-registration.
LIFE is a gathering of the next generation Alliance family that will experience God and expand His Kingdom locally and globally.
Heart 2 Heart
This year I would like to connect with you as pastors’ wives again and give you the opportunity to connect with other pastors’ wives in your area. This is an opportunity to engage with women who understand the joys and challenges of your important role.
This year I would like to connect with you as pastors’ wives again and give you the opportunity to connect with other pastors’ wives in your area. This is an opportunity to engage with women who understand the joys and challenges of your important role.
This year I would like to connect with you as pastors’ wives again and give you the opportunity to connect with other pastors’ wives in your area. This is an opportunity to engage with women who understand the joys and challenges of your important role.
This year I would like to connect with you as pastors’ wives again and give you the opportunity to connect with other pastors’ wives in your area. This is an opportunity to engage with women who understand the joys and challenges of your important role.
This year I would like to connect with you as pastors’ wives again and give you the opportunity to connect with other pastors’ wives in your area. This is an opportunity to engage with women who understand the joys and challenges of your important role.
This year I would like to connect with you as pastors’ wives again and give you the opportunity to connect with other pastors’ wives in your area. This is an opportunity to engage with women who understand the joys and challenges of your important role.