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District & Prayer Conference 2025

  • Christ Community Church 4400 55th Street Northwest Rochester, MN, 55901 United States (map)

Join us at Christ Community Church in Rochester, MN, for this year’s District and Prayer Conference. We are excited to connect and pray for & with each other. It may seem like “one more thing”, but we encourage you to join us and bless those around you this year.

Registration Process & Ticket Types

Registration is a two-step process:

  1. Fill out the form using the appropriate link (one person per registration form)

  2. After hitting submit, you will be taken to the payment page to process your payment information

Registration links coming soon

  1. Official Worker (Voting): official licensed workers with the North Central District

  2. Official Lay Delegate (Voting): appointed lay delegates who have been pre-approved by church governing boards

  3. Retired Official Workers (Voting): retired officially licensed workers in the North Central District

  4. Corresponding Delegates (Non-Voting): additional attendees (non-licensed workers, official or retired worker’s spouses, additional attendees, etc.)


Lay Delegate Certification Form

  • Please have your chuch Goverining Board secretary complete the form below to certify each lay delegate from your church. Governing Board meeting minutes must be included as part of the form. All Lay Delegates are subject to district approval.

  • Lay Delegate submission is due by September 15, 2024. Each Lay Delegate must also register for D&PC using the registration link above.

    Link Coming Soon

Not Attending Request Form

Our Annual District and Prayer Conference is a requirement for all licensed workers in the NCD. Those who are unable to attend must request to be excused from attending with our District Superintendent, Dan Scarrow. Please use the link below to request to be absent form 2025 D&PC. All requests are subject to approval.

Link Coming Soon

Earlier Event: October 3
2025 Alliance Women's Retreat