On the first night of District Conference this past month, we had a special time of praying for our church plants. Kyle began that prayer time by giving us the instruction that one of the possible postures to take that evening was a posture of listening. That idea resonated with me, so I decided to stand at the back of my group and to seek to listen to the Lord for a word or picture that he might want to share with me as we prayed.
At first, I was hearing nothing but silence. As we went from station to station, I began to think that maybe I was doing something wrong or that I needed to listen harder. However, after awhile I began to notice that there was a picture beginning to take shape in the back of my mind. I began to lean into that image and, as the evening progressed, it began to grow. I was expecting it to be a word or image for one of the church plants, but found that God was leading me to think about in a more general way.
The picture was of a beautiful and rather large lake or reservoir. It was surrounded by flourishing trees and it had a dam that had burst or was open in some way, releasing a torrent of water into a valley. The verse that came to mind as I considered that image was John 7:38 where Jesus says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
As I considered that image and Jesus’ words from John 7, I began to wonder why God had brought it to mind and if it was meant for anyone in particular. The next morning, as part of my devotions, I spent more time reflecting on that image and verse. I journaled about it and began to think that maybe God was using it simply to encourage me in my own ministry. I felt like he was challenging me that too often I tend to rely upon myself and my ability to do the work he has called me to do, rather than relying upon him. It was as if God was using the image of the reservoir to remind me of the vast resources that he has ready to unleash through me if I am willing to let him work through me rather than me trying to work for him.
I continued to ponder that image as I made my way back to the conference for Day 2 and I began to realize that it was not just meant for me, but as an encouragement for all of us in the district. I wondered if God wanted me to share it with others, but as the day progressed, I did not see an opportunity to share and my focus became turned to other things.
It wasn’t until I was pondering what to write for this month’s newsletter that I felt led back to that image again. It is a simple reminder, but I want to share it, nonetheless. It can be easy to get caught up doing ministry in our own strength, relying upon our own resources, and even taking the weight of the burden of ministry upon ourselves. We act as if God has called us to serve him and while that is true, it is not the full picture of what that means. God has this mighty reservoir of living water that he wants to pour out through us for his Kingdom purposes. In order for that to happen, we must be fully connected to him, fully directed by him, and fully reliant upon him. This is what God wants to do with our ministries. He wants to pour out a torrent his living water. That may look different than the expectations or plans we might have, and it will not be something that we can contain or control. But that is okay. We can trust in him.
I don’t know what this image and verse might mean for you. I simply pass it along from my listening posture in the hopes that the Lord might want to use it to encourage and challenge us as we seek to partner together in the ministry God has called us toward.
Rob Mapstone
Director of Recruitment and Placement