Who's Next?
This past month I’ve heard this phrase a lot. ”Who’s next?” has been part of conversations with people who have tested positive for COVID-19. They were concerned for family members, at-risk friends and work colleagues. Sue and I hesitantly asked, “Who’s next?”, when our son had a positive COVID test. In this context, it was more like, “I hope I’m not next!”
“Who’s next?” is also heard around the carry-out counter. Mobile orders and curbside pick-up orders are echo chambers for this phrase. Some people are waiting for service. Others are waiting for food, coffee or something they are hoping to receive. This context is expectant, hopeful, to receive something.
What context are you most able to speak into and influence (contingently— i.e, at this moment, with all its limitations), and how could you make the most of that?
At the medical clinic, I’ve heard “Who’s next?” in a different context. Kind of like, “Who’s ready to go now?” If you arrived on time, and are prepared for what’s next, you’ll step up and go in for treatment. Kind of like, “Who’s ready for service?”
This year we have new NCD families who are “next”. The Jones and the Nelson families will be going out with Envision in mid-2021 (Germany & Japan, respectively). The Fonsecas were ready to go in 2020…and are still hoping they’re “next”…waiting for their host country to open up post-COVID and following recent political changes.
Wait…there’s more! “Who’s next?” you ask? Justin and Katie L. (and their 2 children) have just been approved as our very newest “who’s next”! Last month, the C&MA Board of Directors approved them as NCD IWs, with CAMA Services. They will be going to a Creative Access Country (CAC) this summer (2021). All 3 couples will be commissioned as part of the Alliance Council this May in Nashville.
Who’s next? As leaders in your local church, who will be our next IW from the North Central District? As we pray about our role in “the unfinished task”, whom are we identifying as those being called by God for ministry? Who are the women and men we are investing in as our next leaders and “sent ones”? These are questions we need to answer. These are individuals in whom we need to invest!
An article by Andy Crouch recently resonated with me, “The Three Callings of a Christian”. It’s actually where I got the idea for this month’s news letter. Will you thoughtfully read it and explore applicable insights? You’re next! How does it apply to your life and how can you develop as a new leader? In what ways do we fruitfully engage in as image bearers of God?
“It [Scripture] is somewhat more interested in me as a member of a community, connected to one of the “nations” of the earth — but really, what Scripture is interested in is God, God’s mission in the world, God’s commissioning of a people, and God’s gracious invitation to me to stop being so interested in me and start being absolutely fascinated by his mission.”
Who’s next? Are you?!
Note: This article contains three links, update on new IWs, a photo, powerful quotes…and insights to personalize.
Dave Manske
Missions Mobilizer
North Central District of The C&MA