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Missions Mobilization Newsletters

Articles by Dave Manske: Missions Mobilizer


Are You Engaged?

You might be thinking of a sparkling ring and when you asked the “big question”! Maybe you’re thinking of a time when you were really busy, occupied with an important task, or playing Mario Kart. Can you think of a time you were really committed…passionately engaged?

The US Alliance family is engaged globally in bringing the message of Jesus Christ the least reached of this world. Translated, that means that 80% of our IWs are in the 10/40 Window. Our own district has 25 IW “units” (41 people) half of whom are in Creative Access Countries (CAC). Many of our NCD churches are developing meaningful partnerships with our IWs. All are praying for them. Ninety percent (90%) of our churches are financially supporting Alliance ministries globally with generosity. And, two churches will be sending out new IWs in 2020! Thank you for your involvement with Alliance missions in the North Central District.

What does engagement in Alliance missions look like? The GlobalLink office has outlined 5 elements of engagement:

    1. Building Relationships

    2. Praying

    3. Giving

    4. Sending

    5. Promoting

A newly developed Missions Engagement Assessment Tool explores these 5 themes in a way that helps unpack meaningful missions engagement. A colleague explains this really well in his blog. Please check out both of these links!

Our NCD missions team is contacting local church missions mobilizers to explain this new assessment tool. Hopefully, this will lead to enlightening discussion among your local missions teams. Ideally, it will ignite more passionate involvement as you prepare for regularly scheduled missions events at your church.

As a leader, what does your engagement with Alliance missions look like in your context? How are you developing women and men whom God is calling to minister to the unreached in the Regions Beyond from your local fellowship? How is the local fellowship increasing their


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Dave Manske

Missions Mobilizer
North Central District of The C&MA