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Missions Mobilization Newsletters

Articles by Dave Manske: Missions Mobilizer




Ever have a project you didn’t complete? Maybe you started a deck project, years ago, and just finished it this past week. Or, there’s a book you’ve been trying to read for a long time… and the book marker, two-thirds of the way through the book, is haunting you?

We all know of things that are unfinished in our lives. Maybe COVID-19 interfered. Maybe it’s because of procrastination. Or, even the importance of the task isn’t as relevant as it once was. Maybe, like healthy living or spiritual growth, it’s an ongoing task. It’s a “progressive” process of sanctification in our life journey where we intentionally partner with the Spirit of God. The task of the Church is that way. So is our role as witnesses. Likewise, our participation in the Great Commission.

This year’s Alliance missions theme is: Unfinished. The ongoing story from the book of Acts unfolds, around the unfinished telling of the reconciliation story. Unfinished journeys. Unfinished stories. The unfinished mission. The C&MA website* has a great explanation, the theme video with accompanying video series, and a growing number of resources. Some of these resources will arrive at your church in the next few weeks. The planning is still unfinished. This fall’s missions events will unfold in new and varied ways. Our COVID reality has expanded the delivery systems that we use for “church” with live-streaming, ZOOM Bible studies and meetings. Abby and I are working with our limited number of “touring” IWs. This reality steers us towards being more creative as we effectively introduce Alliance IWs to our district church families. How we do this, is unfolding right now. Whom we have as speakers is also diverse and changing each week.

Our participation, as a district family of churches, is unfinished. We’ll always be leading our congregations in praying for Alliance IWs until the task is finished. We’ll continue to pursue meaningful partnerships, and upping our engagement with our North Central District IWs around the world in all four structures of Alliance Ministries — aXcess, Envision, Marketplace Ministries, and CAMA Services. This participation goes way, way, beyond a fall weekend with an IW.

Sending out new IWs, “called ones” raised up in our congregations, discipled by godly local leaders, inspired by everyday Christians in our local fellowships…this sending is ongoing and unfinished. As long as there are peoples who have yet to hear and see the love of Jesus Christ, we will send new workers. As long as there remain unreached peoples, among some of the most closed cultures, we will participate in the fulfillment of the Great Commission!

Even this article…it remains unfinished. How so? Because the journey continues. The stories are still unfolding in your church and around the world. The call to mission lingers unfinished.

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Dave Manske

Missions Mobilizer
North Central District of The C&MA