As the Bylaws Committee, you have the following functions according to the District Bylaws:
Section V. Bylaws and Regulations:
2. Bylaws Committee members shall not serve on conference committees but shall be available for consultation during committee sessions. Reports of conference committees shall be read and brought into proper form and wording by a member of the Committee on Bylaws before being brought to the conference floor.
3. The committee shall report recommended Bylaw and Regulation revisions, throughout the year between Conferences to the District Executive Committee (Dexcom). Dexcom may recommend such revisions on to the District Conference, consult with the Bylaws Committee regarding further refinement, or decline to recommend them, in which case a written explanation will be provided to the Bylaws Committee. The District Secretary will report recommended revisions to Conference.
We ask that at least two members of the Bylaws Committee be present at the Chairs and Secretaries Orientation meeting on Monday afternoon of Conference; before the committees begin their meetings.
The full committee should sit together during Conference Sessions to consult together, as required, and/or respond to questions from the Moderator.
2025 Committee Members List
Information for Chairs & Secretaries