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Worship Minister

Living Rock Church | Norwood Young America, MN



Living Rock is seeking to hire a part-time worship minister in the summer/fall of 2023. Worship is a key component of discipleship at LRC and our worship minister will be primarily responsible for leading our church in developing environments that guide people into God’s presence. He or she will come alongside the senior pastor and leadership team to plan Sunday morning worship services in addition to other gatherings the church may have.



Worship Minister Description


  1. Plan and lead Sunday Worship Services (4-5 songs)

  2. Open and close the service as planned (or as needed).

  3. Communicate weekly with Pastor Roger concerning Sunday theme, Scripture, order of service, and extras, (baby dedications, missions, communion, video, specials, etc.) 

  4. Search and select doctrinally sound, singable worship songs (new and old).

  5. Practice and rehearse teams weekly (in cooperation with the set-up schedule).

  6. Provide helps for worship team members as needed.

  7. Prepare a verse, creed, video, or extra service element when appropriate.

  8. Schedule all volunteers for Sundays (worship, audio, visual).

  9. Build service presentation through ProPresenter.

  10. Present accurate and excellent presentations in song, word and video.

  11. Recruit, audition, and build the worship teams.

  12. Build up a student worship team and student summer worship camp.

  13. Proficiency needed for Planning Center/Charts, Song Select, Pro Presenter, Praise Charts, etc.

  14. Prepare a stage map for sound person each week.


  1. Contract musicians outside LRC as needed.

  2. Schedule a Sunday off every two months (6/year, but not Christmas or Easter).

  3. Provide care and prayer as needed for those on your teams and under your care.

  4. Attend staff meetings as needed.

  5. Plan extra services Christmas Eve, Good Friday, Stiftungsfest Faith and Family Night.

  6. Manage Worship budget and equipment.

  7. Keep careful records of expenses and reimbursements. 

  8. Worship team meetings (1 time a year).

  9. Because we are currently portable, some help with set-up and tear down will be expected until we get into our new building.


  1. Adhere to this description, the LRC worship philosophy, sound doctrine, and holy living.   

  2. Stay on mission: Make disciples that love, learn, grow, and give glory to God. 

  3. Plan ahead and remember, “There’s always something broken.”

  4. Cheer for LRC.  Invest in the church. The church will invest in you. 

  5. Do not allow or reward dysfunction in your key relationships.

  6. Pray and minister the Word to yourself, your family, and your teams.

  7. Practice on your talents and learn new ministry skills as times change.